Let us create a few more charts in the same dashboard
Select the Resize Card option and create a new Chart
Select Tree Map
Select Branch columm as below
The chart shows a Tree Map view of the 3 Branches in the datasheet, with a count of products for each
You can go ahead and customise this Tree Map chart using various functions as shown in the Vertical Graph above
Add another chart in your presentation and select the Table option as shown below
Select the fields from the datasheet that you would want on by one
Let us create a Filter card next to an existing Vertical Graph Chart to see how it works
Create a Vertical graph chart first
Select ‘Filter’ as the Presentation type
Now select the datasheet
Select the different fields of the datasheet you wish to add in your filter card by selecting the columns and then clicking the
‘+’ icon and the Apply
The Filter card is now ready with the filters for the fields you created
In order to see this filter reflect across one or multipe charts in your presentation, you need to create an Interaction Group
Click on the 3 dots on the right corner elow the chart and select Interaction Group
Type in a Group name - Group 1 and click Add, then click the ‘x’ to close the popup
Now select the 3 dots on the vertical graph chart and select Interaction Group like before
Now select Group 1 , the group you created earlier
Now when you select a filter on the filter card, it will reflect on the data in the vertical graph
like below
This way you can use Filter card and Interaction group to talk between multiple charts on the same presentation
Narration Card
Use this card to display summary values that you might wish tohshow in you presentation
Select the Summary Value option to select the field you wish to summarise on
Type in a description and select the icon again to select the field Branch
Select Branch column and then click on the function to change it to Count Unique
Repeat the above steps for the different fields you want to summarise on :
Horizontal Bar
Click on Horizontal Bar as below - this will create a Horizontal graph chart for your data
Now select the Y and X series as required from the fields in the Datasheet
Scatter Plot
A Scatter Plot Chart can be created in the following way :
Select Product and SalesAmount as the X and Y axes respectively
Select the X and Y axes fields from the Datasheet as below :
This is how an Area Chart looks like - Products plotted against Sales Amount
Select Product vs Sales Amount in the x and Y axes respectively
You can even choose to vary the size of the Buble based on the data for a better visual
Here is how you can do that :
Select the Component Properties after clicking on the Y axes fields
Then select Size and click on the icon next to it
In the next screen, select The field SalesAmount
This will ensure that the size of the bubble changes based on teh SalesAmount figure
Select Product and Sum(SalesAmount) for plotting the data