Once the model is created and evaluated, we can use this model to predict the parameters in the daily set of files.Model Application task in JIFFY can be used as a reference task. /TrainingCognitive folder sudhir?
Step 1:- Run PDF to CSV Convertor in JIFFY
This step will convert all the PDF/image files to a csv single csv file and upload them to Docube. Refer PDF to CSV Convertor task in JIFFY. Update the input and output parameters.The folder from which the files has to be read must be updated at …All the daily files must be placed here. The Docube location to which the csv has to be uploaded must be updated at …
Step 2:- Add more features( if required)
Step 3:- Create/Run ApplyModel configuration
With this you can either update the existing ApplyModel configurations or create new apply model configuration.If you are using the existing configuration make sure that the input and output parameters are updated
Output datasheet will have all the predicted labels in column predictedLabels and the probabilty with which the prediction has happned in column prob.