Load Balancing during the UI application execution levels is automatically taken care in Jiffy. In the Bots section within the Jiffy core browser, Machines and Clusters are defined. At this level the bot designer must identify the list of machines executing a task or list of tasks.
For e.g. if machines M1, M2 and M3 are grouped under a cluster C1 and a Task with 60 iterations is being executed, each iteration will be assigned to a machine within the cluster 'C1'. If the 35th iteration is taking longer to execute, the 36th iteration will be automatically assigned to the next free machine, leading to an overall load balance in the application leading to better performance.
Ideally Jiffy supports IE and Chrome the best. The Jiffy Designer works on Firefox but not on Safari. The JDI component can be used on both Safari and Firefox. There could be a few specific applications that Jiffy may not be able to support on Safari and Firefox
Yes, ideally Jiffy provides Multi language support, however when it comes to OCR reading, it will depend on the add on that is configured with the Reader.
A BOT is identified by a unique BOT id which is equivalent to an employee ID of the organisation. The tasks performed by the BOT can be equated to the tasks performed by an employee which can be restricted to one or multiple functions – HR, Finance, Purchase, etc. Hence the functions performed by a BOT can be across multiple teams provided the BOT id has the authorisation for performing those tasks and there is an Execution license associated with that BOT. For. Eg. A BOT can be designed to perform 2 hours of a finance process followed by an hour of a HR process as long as the ID being used has the authorisations to perform those tasks across those functions.
Jiffy works with an inbuilt Orchestrator concept.
Jiffy bots can run across multiple regions or in multiple clusters from a centralised server. Each cluster could have bots running across geographically separate machines. The SAM (Service Area Manager) will assess the capability of bots running across the clusters and assign the task to the appropriate bot. Additional Restrictions/Badges can be applied by the administrator from JAM (Jiffy Administration Module). The Bots are scalable across multiple ports or across multiple client desktops and can run out of one or more Windows server instead of separate Windows desktops.
The Jiffy Admin module is for the bot administrators to track and control the bots across the clusters/regions.
The Jiffy core components OREng (Jiffy Orchestration Engine), queue manager and web server can be scaled horizontally outside of the Jiffy application server as well.
Please refer to our Deployment Architecture diagram for more details
The default database for Jiffy is Postgres. The Jiffy JDI Postgres DB will be installed on a separate database server. However, Oracle or SQL server could also be used if the respective schemas are provided to host the data. The bot or the client applications do not directly interact with the DB and will always connect through the Jiffy Core Server
JIFFY RPA’s Cognitive layer – Docube enables Cognitive RPA with its built in peta-byte Scale storage, Data lake, Data visualisation and Advanced ML based Analytics. It provides In-depth analysis of business processes as execution progresses
- Visual analytics support with on the fly building support
- Data transformations
- Big data solution with support for structured and un-structured data
- Build live or snapshot datasets within minutes
- Report on data anywhere in your network – not restricted to Jiffy processes
- Apply cognitive models on data for more intelligent reporting
The UI learn application of Jiffy needs to be installed in the client machine where the application that needs to be automated resides. In case of a single machine installation, both Jiffy server and UI learn app can be installed in the same machine
Jiffy is web-based and all access to bots are centrally managed through JiffyRPA console. No Jiffy instance on individual user desktops
Jiffy is a server based application, all Core Jiffy components ideally are deployed on a single server, Docube in another server and Database on a different server. JiffyRPA is installed within the customer’s data center. All the components are installed in premise. Jiffy can be installed on virtualized servers or on physical servers. Jiffy primarily follows a web based architecture. Hence during the design phase as well no information is stored on the desktop machines used for automation or execution. All data is stored in the server.
A Lock and Unlock functionality is available in Jiffy as part of the node in design mode wherein one can control the lock and unlock before and after the execution using the username and password that is associated to the machine during configuration.
Only during installation of Jiffy, an internet connection is required, once installed on premise, it can work on offline mode and does not need internet further
To access Jiffy on another system, make sure to use the public IP of the other system.