For PDFs :
1. Place the PDF in the local system
2. Using the PDF node, process and extract the required fields
3. Using mapping pass it to ERP applications/ excel
For Excels :
1. Place the excel file in the local system.
2. Double click on the excel node, provide the location of the file
3. Use the predefined Excel expressions in the UI Events to read the content of the Excel file
2. While using CSV files, what is the advantage of uploading it to Templates ?
1. If the CSV data does not change during the automation, it is advised to save the CSV data within the templates.
2. If the CSV data changes during the automation, then it is recommended to upload only the template into the system and read the data from the file location specified
Not necessary, a onetime activity of the CSV template to be read has to be added into the application and then specify the location of the similar templated CSV(with changing values) within the task created.
There are predefined expressions within the Excel node that can help us to compare data between two sheets, these expressions help in fetching data from cells / range , comparing data and populate into cell / range in respective sheets
please visit our support portal - Excel section for more details - give link here
If you want to create dynamic page numbers in task design, give the number of pages as the maximum number of pages , and even if there are less pages it will stop at that particular end page.