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Security on Jiffy
1. Secure Vault - Overview
2. How to Create a Key and Value Pair Under Secure Vault
3. How to Use the Secure Key in Task Configurations
4. How to Use the Secure Key in UI Nodes
Task Design - Task Plan
1. Release
2. Environments
Task Design - Configurations
1. Overview
2. Release, Environment And User Level Configurations
3. Configuration Priorities
4. Database Configuration
Task Design - Tasks
1. Add Task
2. Manage Task
3. Re-Using Design Nodes (Copy And Paste)
4. Trial Run
5. Design Controls
6. Iterations
7. Color Codes Of The Nodes
8. Global Variable Filtering For CSV
Task Design - Tasks - Objects And Properties
1. Data Sources
2. Sterling Components
3. Validator
4. SubTasks
5. UI
6. Email
7. Miscellaneous
8. G-Suite
1. Overview
2. Easy Mapping
3. Element Mapping
4. Stale Mapping
5. Remove Empty Attributes and Remove Empty Nodes
UI Tasks
1. Overview
2. Configuration
3. Jiffy UI Learn Application
4. UI Task Design
1. Overview
2. Bundled Components
3. UI Components
Task Execution
1. Overview
2. Run Tasks
3. Scheduled Runs
4. Execution Summary
5. Execution History
6. Polling History
1. Overview
2. Task Repository
3. XML Templates
4. JSON Templates
5. CSV Data
6. XML Data
7. JSON Data
8. Document Templates
9. Web Services
10. UI Controls
11. Expressions
12. Labels
13. Excel Macros
1. Projects
2. Roles
3. Roles & Permissions Matrix
4. Users
5. Manage Your Password
7.Server Settings
8. Audit Logs
8. Audit Logs
Reusability & Maintenance
1. Overview
2. Bundled Components
3. Central Repository
Automation Analytics and AI in a box
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