3.Control Based Automation

About 80% of the application automation gets covered using control-based approach. The static UI controls are captured. For each of the captured control, the properties that are captured are displayed in the Properties window. User will be able to change the name and description of the control. There would not be any impact to the familiarized controls with changes in different screen resolution or Application window size or text zoom percentage etc.

How to familiarize

  • Follow the steps to create an app (How to create an App - Refer: UILearn How to Start -> How to Create an App)
  • Once the application is loaded, mouse over the field that need to be familiarized and press “Ctrl” key
  • In case the browser used is Internet Explorer, use “Ctrl” + click on the control to be familiarized
  • Continue this for the other fields’ familiarization
  • Once completed, click on the “Stop Learn” button
  • All the controls that are familiarized would be displayed in the tree structure under Module name
  • Select each of the control, to view the properties on the right-hand side and the screenshot of the familiarized component
  • User would be able to rename the modules as well as the controls
  • Once done, click on “Save data” button to save the UI Control information into Jiffy Server
  • In Jiffy Core, user would be able to view the controls under Repository -> UI Controls

Below video demonstrates the process of control based familiarization.

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