7. Web Automation

Jiffy UI automation framework allows user to automate user interface pages for any application. Consider a scenario of automating a website.

To start with WEBUI automation, the user must create an application in UI learn. UI Learn application is a desktop client that enables users to familiarize the UI objects of an application. Once familiarized, the UI objects are saved in repository (Repository > UI Controls) and can then be used in task design steps.

Familiarizing UI objects

  1. Double-click on the JiffyUILearn icon on the desktop.

  2. Login to UI Learn.

  3. Type the user credentials and click on the Login button.
  4. Select the Release and the click on the Proceed button.

  5. Click on the below highlighted icon in the UILearnActions dialog to create an application.

  6. Select the WEB option from the drop-down to display the Create Web Application dialog.

  7. Specify the following details:

    • Application Name: Type the desired name of the application.
    • Browser: The user can automate any web task in chrome or Internet explorer based on the option selected from this drop-down. Select either Chrome or IE option as per the requirement.
    • Required URL: Type the website URL in which the user wants to automate a task. Note: Do not add any backward or forward slashes at the end of the URL as Jiffy automatically provides it.
  8. Click on the OK button.

  9. Now the given website (based on the provided URL) opens.
  10. Learn the UI elements by placing the mouse pointer on the required field and then pressing the ctrl key.

    Note:The selected UI element will be highlighted the in Red colour and the respective control is displayed in the App(s) Under Test section.
  11. After the learning process is completed the controls are displayed under the application that is created and the properties of the control are displayed in the PropertyDetails section.

    Note: The user can edit the name of the controls and module by double clicking on the respective fields in the PropertyDetails section.

  12. After familiarization, stop the application by using the Start and Stop button.

  13. Another type of approach to learn the controls from the website is image familiarisation.
  14. To start with image familiarization, click on the below highlighted icon in the UILearnActions window.

  15. In the Image familiarization there are two ways to capture the elements:
    • Text Familiarization
    • Image Familiarization
  16. For text familiarization (Image with OCR – Used to capture the text element), click on the following highlighted icon.

  17. For image familiarization (Pure Image – Used to capture the text element), click on the following highlighted icon.

  18. After learning process is completed, save the data to the database by clicking the database icon as shown in the figure.

Table Familiarization

If there exists any table in the website, follow the below steps in UI learn to capture all the data and store under an application in the form of a control (UI event):
  1. Select the Table Familiarization option after running the application.

  2. As per the instruction from the UI learn “Select any two data of same column”, select the two data from the same column so that we can familiarize the number of columns and from each column we have to select the two data of it. So that the data present in the columns is displayed in the Datatable window.

    Note: In the Table familiarisation, if tables exist across multiple pages in the website then we can select the Add Pagination option at the right side as highlighted and after that select Done option and stop the learning process and then save the data.

  3. Click the Save icon to save the data.

    After saving, the data is saved in the Jiffy server.

After familiarization, a task can be designed to complete the Web Automation. Refer to the Web UI section here for more information.

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