2. Setting up the Bot

Jiffy, with the help of Jiffy Service Manager (JSM) assists in the intelligent distribution and optimal utilization of the Jiffy services. Bot is the jiffy service which runs on any windows machine to manage all the executions at the client side. BOT configurations include

  • Machine
  • Cluster

Bot-Cluster concept

The Jiffy service definition and configuration setup is as follows

  • Machines :Users will add all the machines which can be used for automation under the module Bots > Machines.
  • Clusters :Group machines called Clusters under the module Bots > Clusters. This allows users to group multiple machines under one Cluster
  • Configuration :Select the relevant Cluster name at release level execution configuration

Note: The above changes are applicable to all the nodes which use Jiffy service for execution (UI nodes, PDF processor, Excel, etc).

How this works

Machine-Cluster concept in Jiffy ensures that automatic load balancing is achieved. For example, a Bot started in Machine 1 can be used only for Web automation & Excel automation and another Bot started in machine 2 can automate SAP, Web and Putty. During execution, all the nodes ready for execution will be available in the queue and the Bots which are idle at the moment would pick up the nodes for execution based on capability. If the Web iterations are available, both the BOTs would pick up those requests and execute. If the request that is pending in queue is for Excel, it would be executed only by Bot1 which has Excel capability.

In case the number of Bots are increased and added to the same cluster, the nodes ready for execution would be picked up by the additional bot as well.

The Machine-Cluster settings would assist the Jiffy users in achieving the following

  • Optimal utilisation of available bots
  • One-time configuration setup when a Jiffy service is newly added.
  • One place change to existing configurations due to dynamic allocations of IP addresses
  • One place to view all the machines/services and ports used for automation.

The BOT IP needs to be updated in the Machine configuration (To make sure please check the IP whenever there is a switch in the Network and assign the current IP accordingly )

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