2. Rule-based Data Extraction

Rule-based Data Extraction approach requires one document template to be created for each PDF format. Jiffy follows a two-phase approach for rule-based data extraction.

  • Document Template creation : Refer - Repository -> Document Templates for detailed steps on how to prepare and upload a document template.
  • Task Design : Create a task under Jiffy Core (Task Design – Task) and drag and drop a PDF node. For the configurations to be set, the below steps need to be followed under Properties tab

PDF properties

  • Select a PDF configuration from the drop down. Refer - Task Design -> Configuration for setting a Document configuration
  • Template Type need to be changed to “Fixed Template”
  • Select a PDF Template tag (Refer - Repository -> Document Templates on detailed steps on how to add a tag to Document template)
  • For multi-page PDFs, if the PDF need to be split, then turn on the “Split for template” option. The PDF split logic is as follows:
    • If page number is not available, it would split each page as a single PDF
    • If page number is available as “Page M of N”, the PDF would be split based on the page numbers
    • For all other scenarios, the split will not be effective
  • Select the PDF location from the mapping section
  • Click on trial run. Click on the output section, to view the PDF output

Below video demonstrates the Intelligent Document processing PDF extraction process

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