6. Configurations

A Configuration in Jiffy refers to the environment related details that are required to execute the task/Connect to the specific application. This includes the connection details of all the applications which will be used during task execution.

Users need to select the relevant Badge name at release level execution configuration.

For eg: If the user is creating a PDF node, while creating release level configurations, give the corresponding badge name which has capability to execute a PDF file.

The users can create new configurations, copy the existing configurations and also add configurations automatically from JiffyUILearn application. Watch this video to see how this can be done.

Note: The above changes are applicable to all the nodes which use Jiffy service for execution (UI nodes, PDF processor, Excel, etc). Configurations of all other nodes which does not use Jiffy services(Email, DB etc) will not have any change.

Refer - Task Design - Configurations for further details

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