3. Copy tasks from Repository

The primary objective of a task repository is to maintain the baselined versions of tasks that can be reused in future. The Repository provides a folder structure where you can logically group the tasks under various functional heads.

Jiffy provides an option to copy tasks from repository. This can be achieved in two ways:

  • From Task Design -> Task Plan - In Task Plan, click on Add Task and click on Add from Repository at the top, it will take the user to Task Repository window from which user can choose the Task to be added.
    Add Task from Repository

  • From Repository -> Task Repository - In Repository -> Task Repository, click on the folder structure where the task is available. Select the task and click on Assign to release and select the release to which the task needs to be copied.
    Once the task is copied to the release, user needs to ensure that all the configurations are present under Task Design -> Configurations.

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