1. Creating a Project, Release and Environment

To start using JiffyRPA, one of the first and foremost task is to configure the project. This project can be thought of as your business processes module or an application or the system which you are automating using JiffyRPA. The JiffyRPA Settings module is primarily responsible for managing the configuration of Jiffy tool. This module enables the ability to create projects, users and their authentication and authorizations, setup third party integrations (Software Configuration Management tool like GIT) and manage the licensing activity. For the most part, this module is required during the project initiation phase of Jiffy and mostly remain an one-time activity.

Step 1: Create a new Project

To create a new project, log into JiffyRPA with an admin or an user with admin credentials:

  • Click on Settings –> Projects on the left-hand side section, as shown below:

Click on Settings

You will see a list of projects as shown below:

Exisitng Projects

  • Now click on + Add Project on the Top, which will open a new window as shown below:

Add New Project

Provide an appropriate name for the project along with a succint summary/description. This is to make sure that the Project title is self explanatory when a new Engineer/Business User works on this project.

Kindly make sure that the Active checkbox is enabled. If this checkbox is de-active, you will not be able to utilize this project for further Releases/Tasks ( which will be explained in the subsequent sections).

  • You can now see our new Project (RPA_Demo_Project) reflecting in Projects list, as below:

New Project list

Step 2: Create a Release

Similar to a software project going through various releases and environments, Releases, in JiffyRPA, is like a subset of a Project. Here you can potentially have groupings of different projects in your organization or different versions of project/products or different modules of your organization. Jiffy here provides you an option to define these Releases accordingly. Once a project is created, to create Release(s) you need to go to Task Design and click Task Plan. Once in Task Plan, select the Project and click on the highlighted + icon, as shown below:

Create a new release

Once you click on the + icon, a new Add Release window pops up where you need to provide the release name with the start and end dates, a short description and the Source control Branch where the Tasks will be stored into, as shown below:

Add a new release

Click on the Save button and you will see your Release (Invoice_Processing) under the appropriate Project name, as below:

Release added to the project

Step 3: Create an Environment

An environment can be thought of as a setting which has different parameters/characteristics associated with it. In this example, a client could be processing invoices of different templates of a client or different end clients altogether. Thus when Jiffy creates an automated Task, it segregates the actual user actions to be automated and its environment settings. One of the biggest benefit here is that the same Task can be utilized to be executed on various defined Environments. This brings a clear case of savings in cost and effort when you need to execute similar Task across, say, multi-country / multi-brand scenarios.

To create an Environment, go to Task Design and click on Task Plan. Here select the appropriate Project and Release, to create a new Environment by clicking on the highlighted + icon as shown below:

Add a new environment

This now opens up a new Add Environment window, where you provide a name and click on the Active checkbox. To do a successful execution of a Task on this Environment, the Active checkbox has to be selected. In case, the Active checkbox is de-active, the newly created Environment will not be listed under your Release during Task Execution. Click on the Save button to create an Environment:

Environment Settings

Now your new Project has a new Release along with a new Environment, as can be seen below:

Project-Release-Environment list

Note: Always run the bots in admin mode.

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