Task node allows the users to access and execute another task of same release as a child task.
- Uses:
- Helps in sequential execution of tasks.
- Reusability as the entire task can be used with one node.
- User can run complete business flow which contain multiple processes.
- Can be used for Polling purpose.
- Any number of child task nodes can be added in the parent task.
- No data can be mapped from the child task to the parent task, whereas the data from the parent task can be be mapped to the child task.
- Nesting of task nodes is allowed up to 10 nodes.
- Task nodes are not allowed in Components.
- The user can now perform both Synchronous and Asynchronous task execution from a Task node.
- Iterations are allowed for Task nodes.
- Designing a Task Using a Task Node:
Do the following to use a Task node in a parent task:
- Use an existing task or create a new task based on the requirement.
Note: Refer Create A Task for more details on how to create a task and how to open an existing task.
- Drag and drop the Task node from the Objects -> SubTasks section and connect the nodes.
- Click on the Task node and specify the properties:
- Name: Name of the node. A default name is displayed in this field, which the user can edit according to the task and the intent of using the node.
- Description: A short note on the purpose of the node.
- Mark run Failure on Node Fail: When the Mark run Failure on Node Fail field is ON, if the node execution fails then the complete task execution is marked as fail.
- Task: The Task dropdown displays all the existing tasks of the selected project and release. Select the required task from the Task dropdown.
- Continue on Failure: The execution of the task continues, even if the node execution fails.
- Run Asynchronously: Synchronous and Asynchronous mode of task execution can be performed by disabling and enabling the Run Asynchronously toggle button.
- OFF position: Execution will be in sequential order. The child tasks within the task node must complete their execution and then the node succeeding the task node will start the execution. The task node turns green when the task is completely executed without any errors. The node turns red when the task is executed but fails.
- ON position: The Task node execution will be in the ‘Asynchronous’ mode. The parent task will still execute in sequence until it reaches the task node. The task node turns green immediately and runs in the background,a Run ID is generated in the Result of execution dialog, which can be used in the Task Execution -> Execution History screen to view the task node execution details.The node succeeding the Task node will be executed simultaneously, even when the Task node is still in execution. This feature helps in reducing the time taken for executing a task.
For example:
Consider a task with Web UI node, Task node, and Excel node.
Now when the Run icon is clicked in the Task Design screen, the Web UI node will execute first and upon completion of its execution, task node starts execution and turns green immediately irrespective of the child task execution.The node succeeding the task node will also be executed simultaneously. A Run ID is generated in the Result of execution dialog, which can be used in the Task Execution -> Execution History screen to view the task node execution details.
- Click on the Trial Run icon to run the task.
- Click on the Book icon above the Task node to display the Result of execution window of the Task node.
Note: The user can also view the design screen of the child task by clicking the following higlighted icon.
- Click on the Output tab to the view the execution details of the Task node.
Note: The output contains child run id which can be used to check the execution details of the child task.
- Navigate to Task Execution -> Execution History.
- Select the required project and release.
- Type the RUN ID.
- Click on the required task to view the run details of the child task.
- Executing a Rest API Based Task Using a Task Node:
The Rest API based task can be executed either from the Task design screen or from any external application.
The following error message is displayed when a user tries to execute a Rest API enabled task from the Task Execution -> Execution History screen:
“Rest enabled task is not supported to execute here.”
Note: Scheduling and Bulk run are not allowed from Task Execution -> Execution History screen for Rest API based tasks.