In Jiffy, an Email Action node is used to perform various actions on an email.
Before using an Email Actions node in designing any task, the Email configuration must be defined.
1.1 Defining Email Configuration:
Do the following to define the Email configuration:
Login to Jiffy.
Navigate to Task Design -> Configurations -> Email Configuration.
Click on the Add button to define the configuration.
The following dropdown is displayed with two options:
Create New: Use this option to create a new Email configuration.
Do the following to add new configuration:
Click on the Create New button to display the display the Add Email Configuration window.
Specify the details for the following fields:
Configuration Name: Name to be provided for the configuration and the specified name is used in the Properties section of the node.
User Name: The email id from which an email will be sent.
Password: The password for the specific username.
Run on: Specify from where the Email needs to be triggered:
a. Jiffy Server: Email gets triggered from the jiffy server.
b. Cluster: In case Jiffy server does not have internet connection or not able to access the specified website then the Cluster option can be used.
Incoming Server: The server which is to be used for browsing emails.
Outgoing Server: The server which is to be used for sending an email.
Incoming protocol: imap / imaps can be chosen, imaps is more secure.
Outgoing protocol: smtp / smtps can be chosen, smtps is more secure.
Copy Existing: Use this option to copy from the existing configurations that are defined earlier.
Click on the Copy Existing button to display the Copy Configuration window.
Type the details of the required configuration in the above Search fields.
Select the required configuration from the filtered list.
Click on the Copy button.
Note: All the defined Email configurations are available in the Email Configuration dropdown in the Properties tab of the Task Design screen for creating a task.
Designing a Task Using an Email Actions Node:
Do the following to use an Email Actions node in a task:
Use an existing task or create a new task based on the requirement.
Note: Refer Create A Task for more details on how to create a task and how to open an existing task.
Drag and drop the Email Actions node from the Objects -> Email section and connect the nodes.
Note: The Email Actions node requires an Email to perform actions on. So, it works along with an Email Browser node.
Click on the Email Actions node and specify the properties:
Add the following details:
Name: Name of the node. A default name is displayed in this field, which the user can edit according to the task and the intent of using the node.
Description: A short note on the purpose of the node.
Mark run Failure on Node Fail: When the Mark run Failure on Node Fail field is ON, if the node execution fails then the complete task execution is marked as fail.
Email Actions Configuration: Select the required configuration from the Email Configuration dropdown. For more details click here.
Click on the connector between the Email Browser node and the Email Actions node.
Select the UID element from the Email Browser on the left and map it to the UID on the right.
Note: Type of mapping should be XPath (1:1)
Select the email tag from the Email Browser on the left and map it to any of the actions on the right.
Click on the Trail Run icon.
Click on the book icon above the Email Actions node to display the Result of execution window of the Email Actions node.