Email Browser
In Jiffy, an Email Browser node is used to browse a received email.
- Pre-condition:
Before using an Email Browser node in designing any task, the Email configuration must be defined.
1.1 Defining Email Configuration:
Do the following to define the Email configuration:
- Login to Jiffy.
- Navigate to Task Design -> Configurations -> Email Configuration.
- Click on the Add button to define the configuration.
The following dropdown is displayed with two options:
- Create New: Use this option to create a new Email configuration.
Do the following to add new configuration:
- Click on the Create New button to display the display the Add Email Configuration window.
Specify the details for the following fields:
- Configuration Name: Name to be provided for the configuration and the specified name is used in the Properties section of the node.
- User Name: The email id from which an email will be sent.
- Password: The password for the specific username.
- Run on: Specify from where the Email needs to be triggered:
- a. Jiffy Server: Email gets triggered from the jiffy server.
- b. Cluster: In case Jiffy server does not have internet connection or not able to access the specified website then the Cluster option can be used.
- Incoming Server: The server which is to be used for browsing emails.
- Outgoing Server: The server which is to be used for sending an email.
- Incoming protocol: imap / imaps can be chosen, imaps is more secure.
- Outgoing protocol: smtp / smtps can be chosen, smtps is more secure.
- Copy Existing: Use this option to copy from the existing configurations that are defined earlier.
- Click on the Copy Existing button to display the Copy Configuration window.
- Type the details of the required configuration in the above Search fields.
- Select the required configuration from the filtered list.
- Click on the Copy button.
Note: All the defined Email configurations are available in the Email Configuration dropdown in the Properties tab of the Task Design screen for creating a task.
- Designing a Task Using an Email Browser Node:
Do the following to use an Email Browser node in a task:
- Use an existing task or create a new task based on the requirement.
Note: Refer Create A Task for more details on how to create a task and how to open an existing task.
- Drag and drop the Email Browser node from the Objects -> Email section and connect the nodes.
- Click on the Email Browser node and specify the properties:
Add the following details:
- Name: Name of the node. A default name is displayed in this field, which the user can edit according to the task and the intent of using the node.
- Description: A short note on the purpose of the node.
- Mark run Failure on Node Fail: When the Mark run Failure on Node Fail field is ON, if the node execution fails then the complete task execution is marked as fail.
- Email Browser Configuration: Select the required configuration from the Email Configuration dropdown. For more details click here.
- Search in folder: Select the folder from which the email is to be browsed.
- Search Order: Select the order in which email should be browsed (Latest first/Earliest first).
- Download Attachments: Enable the toggle button to download the attachments in the Email if any. If the toggle button is ON.
- Download Email: Enable the toggle button to download the specified Email.
- Wait for Email: If the toggle button is ON, the node will wait for the specified time for incoming Emails. If the toggle button is OFF, then the node executes without any delay.
- Time out in seconds: Specify how many seconds the node should wait before it times out.
- Interval(seconds): Enter the number of seconds the node should wait in between incoming Emails.
- Double click on the Email Browser node to display the Edit Search Query dialog:
- Add the conditions based on which an email should be browsed.
Note: In case multiple email ids need to be given in any of the fields, map the required ids using Join method in an expression.
- Click on the Trail Run icon.
- Click on the book icon above the Email Browser node to display the Result of execution window of the Email Browser node.
Note: If the Email Browser node fails to execute, then the respective error is displayed in the Result of execution window.