Google Calendar

Google Calendar is a time-management and scheduling calendar service developed by Google. Google Calendar allows the users to create and edit events. Reminders can be enabled for events, with options available for type and time. Event locations can also be added, and other users can be invited to events.

  1. List of Pre-defined Google Calendar Functions:

  2. Using the Google Calendar node, the user can automate the following functions.
    1. Create Event: Use this expression to create an event in Googlecalendar.

      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      Creds Token.pkl file path (this file is downloaded to the Client Machine during the setup process of G-suite which is explained in Section 2. Setting up G-suite.
      CalendarID The ID of the calendar where the event needs to be created.
      Summary Summary of the event.
      Example: HR process discussion
      Location Location of the event.
      Example: Bangalore
      Description Description of the event.
      Example: Discussion on Employee on boarding.
      Start_time_str Start time of the event in IANA time zone.
      Example: 2020-03-18 11:30AM
      Duration The duration of the event in hours.
      Example: 1 hour.
      Attendees_list List of the attendees to the event. Select the attendee’s variable.
      Notification_str Provide the Notification string of the event (Constant).
      Example: All
      Status Provide the Status of the event (Constant).
      Example: Tentative.
      Visibility Provide the visibility of the event (Constant).
      Example: Public

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      Event id The Id of the event created.
      Event url The ID of the calendar where the event needs to be created.
      Event_ID The url of the event.

    2. Add Attendees: Use this expression to add attendees in the event.

      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      Creds Token.pkl file path (this file is downloaded to the Client Machine during the setup process of G-suite which is explained in Section 2. Setting up G-suite.
      CalendarID The ID of the calendar where the event needs to be created.
      Event_ID Id of the event where the attendees need to be added.
      Attendees_list List of the attendees to the event. Select the attendee’s variable.
      Notification_str Provide the Notification string of the event (Constant).
      Example: All

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      Updated time Returns the updated time of event

    3. Delete Event: Use this expression to delete the created event in the calendar.

      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      Creds Token.pkl file path (this file is downloaded to the Client Machine during the setup process of G-suite which is explained in Section 2. Setting up G-suite.
      CalendarID The ID of the calendar where the event needs to be created.
      Notification_str Provide the Notification string of the event (Constant).
      Example: All
      Event_ID Id of the event where the attendees need to be added.

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      Message Returns the message (“event deleted successfully”)

    4. Modify event: Use this expression to modify the event in the calendar.

      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      Creds Token.pkl file path (this file is downloaded to the Client Machine during the setup process of G-suite which is explained in Section 2. Setting up G-suite.
      CalendarID The ID of the calendar where the event needs to be created.
      Summary Summary of the event.
      Example: HR process discussion
      Event_ID Id of the event where the attendees need to be added.
      Notification_str Provide the Notification string of the event (Constant).
      Example: All
      Summary Summary of the event to be modified.
      Location Location of the event.
      Description Description of the event.
      Example: Discussion on Employee on boarding.
      Timezone The IANA standard time zone.
      Start_time Start time of the event.
      End_time End time of the event
      Attendees_list List of the attendees to the event. Select the attendee’s variable.

      Output Parameters:
      Output Parameter Name Description
      Updated time Returns the updated time of the event

    5. Search Event: Use this expression to search for an event in the calendar.

      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      Creds Token.pkl file path (this file is downloaded to the Client Machine during the setup process of G-suite which is explained in Section 2. Setting up G-suite.
      CalendarID The ID of the calendar where the event needs to be created.
      Option_str On which criteria event needs to be searched (Ex: “StartDate”, “EndDate”, “MaxResults”, “query”)
      Option_value Corresponding value for Option_str.

      Output Parameters:
      Output Parameter Name Description
      Information of the event Returns the information of the event.

  3. Designing a Task Using a Google Calendar Node:

  4. Do the following to use a Google Calendar node in a task:
    1. Use an existing task or create a new task based on the requirement.
      Note: Refer Create A Task for more details on how to create a task and how to open an existing task.
    2. Drag and drop the Google Calendar node from the Objects -> G-Suite section and connect the nodes.

    3. Click on the Google Calendar node and specify the properties.
    4. Create an Output variable named attendees.
    5. Double-click on the Google Calendar node to display the Edit UI dialog.
    6. The following options are available in the Edit UI dialog:
      • Google Calendar: When the user selects the Google Calendaroption, pre-defined Google Calendar functions are available in the list box following it.
      • Set Variable: The user can set a variable inside the JIRA node. The value to be set can either be a constant or another variable. If this variable is set as an output variable in the Properties tab, it can be made available for other nodes as well.
      • Default Expression: These are Jiffy provided python expressions for the commonly used functions.
        Example: Concat, Capitalize, Add days etc.
      • Custom Expression: Jiffy provides a feature to allow users to create custom Python expressions and use them in the Edit UI dialog. The Custom Expressions need to be uploaded to Jiffy Repository (Repository ->Custom Expressions). Once it is uploaded, it is available in the drop down of Custom Expressions option. For details on how to create custom expressions, click here.
    7. Select the Set Variable option and then select the attendee’s variable.
    8. Select the C option (constant) and then provide the Email ID of the attendee.

    9. Select the Google Calendar option and then select the Create Event function.
    10. Specify the Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      Creds Token.pkl file path (this file is downloaded to the Client Machine during the setup process of G-suite which is explained in Section 2. Setting up G-suite.
      CalendarID The ID of the calendar where the event needs to be created.
      Summary Summary of the event.
      Example: HR process discussion
      Location Location of the event.
      Example: Bangalore
      Description Description of the event.
      Example: Discussion on Employee on boarding.
      Start_time_str Start time of the event in IANA time zone.
      Example: 2020-03-18 11:30AM
      Duration The duration of the event in hours.
      Example: 1 hour.
      Attendees_list List of the attendees to the event. Select the attendee’s variable.
      Notification_str Provide the Notification string of the event (Constant).
      Example: All
      Status Provide the Status of the event (Constant).
      Example: Tentative.
      Visibility Provide the visibility of the event (Constant).
      Example: Public

    11. Select the Output variable to which the output data must be mapped.

    12. Click on the Save button in the Task Design screen.
    13. Click on the Trail Run button.

    14. Select the Google Calendar node and click on the book icon to display the Result of execution window.

    15. Based on the provided details, an event will be created in the Google calendar.

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