Google Drive

Google Drive is a cloud-based storage service that enables users to store and access files online. The service syncs stored documents, photos and more across all the user devices, including mobile devices, tablets, and PCs.

  1. List of Pre-defined Google Drive Functions:

  2. Using the Google Drive node, the user can automate the following functions.
    1. Search File: To search for a file in Google Drive.

      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      Credential_path Token.pkl file path (this file is downloaded to the Client Machine during the setup process of G-suite which is explained in Section 2. Setting up G-suite.
      Query filename (which the user needs to search) Example: name = JiffyRPATrainingSession. For more details, refer the Query String Examples section in the Google Drive documentation.
      Page_size Maximum number of files to be searched.
      Example: I the provided page size is 10, then it will return the first 10 instances where the file name is “JiffyRPATrainingSession.”

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      {‘status’: ‘Pass’, ‘file_name’: [u’JIFFYRPATrainingSession6.mp4’], ‘file_id’: Return Pass, if file is present.
      Event url The ID of the calendar where the event needs to be created.
      [u’177_b0UUwRUdOiRe6Eb1so6DOiMygAz9e’], ‘error’: None}” Return Fail, ‘No matching Item Found’, if file is not present.

  3. Designing a Task Using a Google Drive Node:

  4. Do the following to use a Google Drive node in a task:
    1. Use an existing task or create a new task based on the requirement.
      Note: Refer Create A Task for more details on how to create a task and how to open an existing task.
    2. Drag and drop the Google Drive node from the Objects -> G-Suite section and connect the nodes.
    3. Select the Google Drive node and specify the properties.
    4. Select the Google Drive option and then select the required function, for example: Search File.
    5. Click on the highlighted icon and then specify the below details:
      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      Credential_path Token.pkl file path (this file is downloaded to the Client Machine during the setup process of G-suite which is explained in Section 2. Setting up G-suite.
      Query filename (which the user needs to search) Example: name = JiffyRPATrainingSession. For more details, refer the Query String Examples section in the Google Drive documentation.
      Page_size Maximum number of files to be searched.
      Example: I the provided page size is 10, then it will return the first 10 instances where the file name is “JiffyRPATrainingSession.”

    6. Select the output variable that is created while specifying properties.

    7. Similarly, select the required functions in the Edit UI dialog and then click on the Save icon.
    8. Click on the Save button in the Task Design screen.
    9. Click on the Trail Run button.

    10. Select the Google Drive node and click on the book icon to display the Result of execution window.

    11. Based on the provided details, the list of files is displayed in the search results.

      Result: There are only four instances where the file name is JiffyRPATrainingSession.

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