Google Sheets
Google Sheets is a spreadsheet program included as part of a free, web-based software office suite offered by Google within its Google Drive service.
- List of Pre-defined Google Sheets Functions:
Using the Google Sheets node, the user can automate the following functions.
- Create Worksheet: Use this expression to create a Google sheet by sheet id or sheet name.
Input Parameters:
Input Parameter Name |
Description |
URL of the spreadsheet |
Sheet_name |
Name of the worksheet to be created |
Row_count |
Number of rows to be created |
Col_count |
Number of columns to be created |
Creds_path |
File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite. |
Output Parameters:
Output Parameter Name |
Description |
Message |
Returns the message (“Sheet is created successfully”) |
- Delete worksheet: Use this expression to delete the worksheet in
Google Sheets.
Input Parameters:
Input Parameter Name |
Description |
URL of the spreadsheet |
Sheet_name_or_index |
Sheet name or index of the worksheet |
Creds_path |
File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite. |
Output Parameters:
Output Parameter Name |
Description |
Message |
Returns the message (“Sheet is deleted successfully”) |
- Get all values: Use this expression to get all the values in Google sheet.
Input Parameters:
Input Parameter Name |
Description |
URL of the spreadsheet |
Sheet_name_or_index |
Sheet name or index of the worksheet |
Creds_path |
File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite. |
Output Parameters:
Output Parameter Name |
Description |
Cell values |
Returns a list all values in the sheet |
- Get row values: Use this expression to get the values of a
specified row in Google sheet.
Input Parameters:
Input Parameter Name |
Description |
URL of the spreadsheet |
Sheet_name_or_index |
Sheet name or index of the worksheet |
Row_index |
Row number from which values to be retrieved |
Creds_path |
File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite. |
Output Parameters:
Output Parameter Name |
Description |
Row values |
Returns a list of all values in the row index specified. |
- Get row count: Use this expression to get the count of the row in Google sheet.
Input Parameters:
Input Parameter Name |
Description |
URL of the spreadsheet |
Sheet_name_or_index |
Sheet name or index of the worksheet |
Creds_path |
File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite. |
Output Parameters:
Output Parameter Name |
Description |
Row count |
Returns the count of the rows which has data. |
- Get Cell Value: Use this expression to get the cell value in the Google sheet.
Input Parameters:
Input Parameter Name |
Description |
URL of the spreadsheet |
Sheet_name_or_index |
Sheet name or index of the worksheet |
Row_index |
Row number from which values to be retrieved |
Col_index |
Column index of the cell |
Creds_path |
File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite. |
Output Parameters:
Output Parameter Name |
Description |
Cell value |
Returns the cell value. |
- Update cell: Use this expression to update the cell in Google sheet.
Input Parameters:
Input Parameter Name |
Description |
URL of the spreadsheet |
Sheet_name_or_index |
Sheet name or index of the worksheet |
Row_index |
Row number from which values to be retrieved |
Col_index |
Column index of the cell |
Value |
Pass the value to be inserted |
Creds_path |
File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite. |
Output Parameters:
Output Parameter Name |
Description |
Message |
Returns the message (“cell value is updated”) |
- Find all cells: Use this expression to find the total number of cells in a Google sheet.
Input Parameters:
Input Parameter Name |
Description |
URL of the spreadsheet |
Sheet_name_or_index |
Sheet name or index of the worksheet |
Value_to_be_searched |
Pass the value to be searched |
Creds_path |
File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite. |
Output Parameters:
Output Parameter Name |
Description |
Output |
Returns the count of number of cells. |
- Find cell: Use this expression to find the cell in Google sheet.
Input Parameters:
Input Parameter Name |
Description |
URL of the spreadsheet |
Sheet_name_or_index |
Sheet name or index of the worksheet |
Value_to_be_searched |
Pass the value to be searched |
Creds_path |
File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite. |
Output Parameters:
Output Parameter Name |
Description |
Output |
Returns the row and column index of the cell. |
- Get column values: Use this expression to get the column values in a Google sheet.
Input Parameters:
Input Parameter Name |
Description |
URL of the spreadsheet |
Sheet_name_or_index |
Sheet name or index of the worksheet |
Col_index |
Column number from which values to be retrieved |
Creds_path |
File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite. |
Output Parameters:
Output Parameter Name |
Description |
Column values |
Returns a list of all values in the column index specified. |
- Delete row by index: Use this expression to delete a row in the Google sheet.
Input Parameters:
Input Parameter Name |
Description |
URL of the spreadsheet |
Sheet_name_or_index |
Sheet name or index of the worksheet |
Row_index |
Pass the row to be deleted |
Creds_path |
File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite. |
Output Parameters:
Output Parameter Name |
Description |
Message |
Returns the message (“row is deleted successfully”). |
- Delete row by index: Use this expression to delete a row in the Google sheet.
Input Parameters:
Input Parameter Name |
Description |
URL of the spreadsheet |
Sheet_name_or_index |
Sheet name or index of the worksheet |
New_sheetname |
New sheet name |
Creds_path |
File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite. |
Output Parameters:
Output Parameter Name |
Description |
Message |
Returns the message (“Sheet has been renamed successfully”). |
- Import csv data: Use this expression to import csv file in
Google sheet.
Input Parameters:
Input Parameter Name |
Description |
URL of the spreadsheet |
Creds_path |
File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite. |
Csv_path |
Csv File path |
Output Parameters:
Output Parameter Name |
Description |
Message |
Returns the message (“csv data imported to the first sheet”). |
- Append column: Use this expression to append column in a Google sheet.
Input Parameters:
Input Parameter Name |
Description |
URL of the spreadsheet |
Sheet_name_or_index |
Sheet name or index of the worksheet |
No_of_columns |
Number of columns to be appended |
Creds_path |
File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite. |
Output Parameters:
Output Parameter Name |
Description |
Message |
Returns the message (“column(s) appended successfully”). |
- Add row: Use this expression to append row in a Google sheet.
Input Parameters:
Input Parameter Name |
Description |
URL of the spreadsheet |
Sheet_name_or_index |
Sheet name or index of the worksheet |
No_of_rows |
Number of rows to be appended |
Creds_path |
File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite. |
Output Parameters:
Output Parameter Name |
Description |
Message |
Returns the message (“row(s) appended successfully”). |
- Copy Range: Use this expression to copy a range of cells in a Google sheet.
Input Parameters:
Input Parameter Name |
Description |
URL of the spreadsheet |
Sheet_name_or_index |
Sheet name or index of the worksheet |
Rng |
Range of cells that must be copied |
Creds_path |
File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite. |
Output Parameters:
Output Parameter Name |
Description |
Message |
Returns the message (“cell(s) copied successfully”). |
- Delete column: Use this expression to delete column in a Google sheet.
Input Parameters:
Input Parameter Name |
Description |
URL of the spreadsheet |
Sheet_name_or_index |
Sheet name or index of the worksheet |
Start_index |
Pass the start index of the column |
End_index |
Pass the end index of the column |
Creds_path |
File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite. |
Output Parameters:
Output Parameter Name |
Description |
Message |
Returns the message (“columns deleted successfully”). |
- Update cells: Use this expression to update the range of cells in a Google sheet.
Input Parameters:
Input Parameter Name |
Description |
URL of the spreadsheet |
Sheet_name_or_index |
Sheet name or index of the worksheet |
Row_index |
Row index of the cell |
Col_index |
Column index of the cell |
Value |
Pass the value to be inserted |
Creds_path |
File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite. |
Output Parameters:
Output Parameter Name |
Description |
Message |
Returns the message (“cell value is updated”). |
- Delete range: Use this expression to delete the range of cells in a Google sheet.
Input Parameters:
Input Parameter Name |
Description |
URL of the spreadsheet |
Sheet_name_or_index |
Sheet name or index of the worksheet |
Rng |
Range of the sheet to be deleted |
ShiftDimension |
Direction of cell shift |
Value |
Pass the value to be inserted |
Creds_path |
File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite. |
Output Parameters:
Output Parameter Name |
Description |
Message |
Returns the message (“range of values is deleted successfully”). |
- Get worksheets: Use this expression to get sheets name.
Input Parameters:
Input Parameter Name |
Description |
URL of the spreadsheet |
Creds_path |
File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite. |
Output Parameters:
Output Parameter Name |
Description |
Message |
Returns a list of all the sheet names. |
- Designing a Task Using a Google Sheets Node:
Do the following to use a Google Sheets node in a task:
- Use an existing task or create a new task based on the requirement.
Note: Refer Create A Task for more details on how to create a task and how to open an existing task.
- Drag and drop the Google Sheets node from the Objects -> G-Suite section and connect the nodes.
- Click on the Google Sheets node and specify the properties.
- Double-click on the Google Sheets node to display the Edit UI dialog.
- The following options are available in the Edit UI dialog:
- Google Sheets: When the user selects the Google Sheets option, pre-defined Google Sheets functions are available in the drop-down following it.
- Set Variable: The user can set a variable inside the JIRA node. The value to be set can either be a constant or another variable. If this variable is set as an output variable in the Properties tab, it can be made available for other nodes as well.
- Default Expression: These are Jiffy provided python expressions for the commonly used functions.
Example: Concat, Capitalize, Add days etc.
- Custom Expression: Jiffy provides a feature to allow users to create custom Python expressions and use them in the Edit UI dialog. The Custom Expressions need to be uploaded to Jiffy Repository (Repository ->Custom Expressions). Once it is uploaded, it is available in the drop down of Custom Expressions option. For details on how to create custom expressions, click here.
- Select the Google Sheets option and then select the required
function, for example: Create Sheet.
- Click on the highlighted icon and then specify the below details:
Input Parameters:
Input Parameter Name |
Description |
URL of the spreadsheet |
Sheet_name |
Name of the worksheet to be created |
Row_count |
Number of rows to be created |
Col_count |
Number of columns to be created |
Creds_path |
File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite. |
- Select the output variable that is created while specifying properties.
- Similarly, select the required functions in the *Edit UI** dialog and then click on the Save icon.
- Click on the Save button in the Task Design screen.
- Click on the Trail Run button.
- Select the Google Sheets node and click on the book icon to
display the Result of execution window.
- Based on the provided details, a Google sheet will be created.