reference tasks

Task 1 : Browse the mailbox using subject, perform action, send response

Reference Task

Task ID      TK 000007 - v0.74
Release      //ReferenceTasks/Generic Tasks
Task Title      Browse the mailbox using subject, perform action, send response


This task demonstrates the process of Browsing the mailbox, performing action and sending response.

Pre configured

This example contains Email Browser node to browse the mail with subject, update the Excel tracker using excel node and send the response using Email Sender node


referenceTasks-Browse the mailbox using subject, perform action, send response

Design steps

Email Browser node � Double click on the node to add search Query. Click on �+� to add new line. Select Subject from the drop down, comparison type as �has� and provide constant value as Invoice_Reference Task.
Add one more line and select �Is Read�, comparison type as �!=� and provide the constant value as �True�.

Mapping to Excel node � Double click on the link between Email browser node and Excel node for data transformation. Select Received date, Subject-Text, Body- Text and click on �Add� button(One at a time).


Excel node �
1. EXCEL COMMAND to open Excel and provide Excel file path as input. 2. EXCEL COMMAND to select sheet by index and provide the index as input. 3. EXCEL COMMAND to Get Last row with data and store the output in a variable row_no. 4. DEAFULT EXPRESSION Add to add count 1 to the Last row number. Provide num_1 - 1 and num_2 � row_no as inputs and store the output in a variable new_rowno. 5. DEAFULT EXPRESSION Concat to concat to strings. Provide string1 � A and string2 - new_rowno as input and store it in a variable cell. 6. EXCEL COMMAND to update cells. Provide update_range-cell and update_value-ReceivedDate as input. 7. EXCEL COMMAND to save file. 8. EXCEL COMMAND to close file. Provide file path as input. 9. EXCEL COMMAND to close excel.

Email sender node �
Click on the link to Email sender node and map the following
Subject as Acknowledgement .
Body as Successfully updated email details in excel.
To � Provide the email ID to which Email has to be sent.

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