Static data can be visualised by uploading them as a CSV file on docube. On the top right corner of the screen a ‘+’ Symbol can be found which lets the user upload files as data to Docube. Upon clicking the symbol, multiple options for selecting the file is available in a window. The “CSV” option may be selected based on the file type to proceed.
The user may drag and drop the file or select the file from the window.
The column metadata may be checked and modified prior to publishing. The uploaded data is all in string format, when imported from a CSV. Docube automatically identifies the datatype of the column based on the sample data present, and presents them as suggestions, subject to user discretion. The user is prompted with these suggestions in a panel on the left, where there is an interface provided for approving these suggestions. The user may also explicitly specify data types. Additionally, the user may filter unwanted data using column level filters. Docube can identify a date-type data if it has been loaded in one of the various formats it expects. However, if the date format is not recognized, the data is loaded as a string which may be converted to date by specifying an explicit format. This prepared data is now ready to be published and for developing presentations.
Uploading a CSV file is illustrated in the following video.