11. Expressions

There are two types of expressions available in Jiffy:

  • Default Expressions: These are Jiffy provided python expressions for the commonly used functions. Eg: Concat, Capitalize, Add days etc)
  • Custom Expressions: Jiffy provides a feature to allow users to create custom Python expressions and use them in the UI nodes steps.

These expressions can be used in scripting of all UI nodes. These expressions has to be written in Python language and can be reused in UI nodes of tasks across Processes.

Users are allowed to create/edit/view/delete custom expressions in Repository -> Expressions


Jiffy also allows users to write expressions in mappings and places where conditions are written like validator node, IF node, IF/While conditions etc. These expressions will not be saved in repository. Those are used only in the tasks where it is written. Also, while trying to run an expression, make sure it has proper indentations. For more details please refer to Mapping. If the variables in the expression are not in the order as expected, please upgrade your version to

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