There are three nodes available in Jiffy to perform different actions related to Emails.
Email browser is used to search emails based on the configuration and the search criteria given in the node.
The following needs to be provided in the properties
Name of the Node : Provide a name for the email browser node
Description : A brief description of the purpose of using the email browser node
Mark run On Failure on Node Fail : If this flag - “Mark Run Failure on Node Fail” is turned OFF for the node, the final execution status will be marked as PASSED even if this node fails
Run With User Config : Turning this ON would mean the configurations would be picked up for the respective user from teh User Configurations defined for the user
Email Browser Configuration : Once the configuration entries are created in Task Design - > Configurations, those entries will be available in drop down of Email browser node in task window. All the Email protocols like IMAP/SMTP/EXCHANGE are available in Task Design -> Configuration Page, but configurations created with IMAP or EXCHANGE protocols only will be listed in Email Browser node.
Continue even without Match : Turning this ON would allow the email browser to proceed even if no match is found as per the defined query
Search in folder : Provide the folder to be searched. Follow the below format. Default would be INBOX.
Search Order : - The order in which the mailbox needs to searched. Two options:
Advanced Properties :
Download Attachments : Turning this ON will download all attachments received on email which you can map easily for further processing
Download Email : Turning this on will allow to download the entire mail whose contents you can map and use for the next actions
Wait for Email : This option is basically for the user to specify how long the node should wait for each incoming mail. On turning this ON, the user is presented with two more parameters :
Interval(seconds) - Enter the number of seconds the node should wait in between incoming emails.
Jiffy will take a call based on the parameter that is reached earlier.
Build Search Query : This action can be invoked by clicking on “Build Search Query” button or double clicking the Email browser icon. Search criteria is similar to building rules in Validation node.
Condition | Description FROM | Name/Email address of the sender TO | Name/Email address of TO recipient CC | Name/Email address of CC recipient BCC | Name/Email address of BCC recipient Subject | Text to search in subject Body | Text to search in the body Received Date | Received date of email in format : [MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss] Is Read | Takes boolean (true, false) to search read or unread emails Default | All emails shall be considered in the search Email UID | Takes Unique ID of email to search email ( When this search criteria is provided all other search criteria’s shall be ignored.)
The output of the Email browse node can be mapped to the further nodes as required.
Email Sender node is used to send new emails or forward/reply to the existing emails.
The following needs to be provided in the properties
Configuration :
Once the configuration entries are created in Task Design - > Configurations, those entries will be available in drop down of Email Sender node in design window. All the Email protocols like IMAP/SMTP/EXCHANGE are available in Task Design -> Configuration Page, but configurations created with SMTP or EXCHANGE protocols only will be listed in Email Sender node.
Email Message Template:
In order to mention the Mail to be forwarded/replied or the details of mail to be send, the details needs to be captured in the below XML template format and the XML template needs to be uploaded into repository. By default the email template would be uploaded to the repository and would be available for the user to use.
These fields will be available in the mapping section for the user to map as required. Please refere to Mappings for additional information on Mapping.
This is the most basic use of the email server node. In this video you will see how to use the email sender node to send an email without any attachments
Next, you can use the email sender node to send emails with attachments from the Jiffy server. This video shows how.
You can also use the email sender node to send emails with attachments from the File Serve. Watch this video to see how it is done.
Email Actions node is used to perform below actions on the email object.
The following needs to be provided in the properties
Configuration :
Once the configuration entries are created in Task Design -> Configurations, those entries will be available in drop down of Email action node in task window. All the Email protocols like IMAP/SMTP/EXCHANGE are available in Task Design -> Configuration Page, but configurations created with IMAP or EXCHANGE protocols only will be listed in Email Action node.
Email Action Template :
An XML template of the below format needs to be created and uploaded to repository before using this node. By default the email template would be uploaded to the repository and would be available for the user to use.
These fields will be available to map with required data to the input of the node as required. Please refere to Mappings for additional information on Mapping.
Now there is common configuration for Browser , Sender and Action
Configuration consists of Incoming Protocol( for browser) , incoming Server,
Outgoing protocol, Outgoing Server.
Email forward/Reply supports IMAP.
All Existing configuration will be migrated to new structure.