9. SAP Automation

Jiffy UI automation framework allows user to automate user interface pages for any application. Consider a scenario of automating a SAP application which contains data grids, tables, and trees.

UI automation is a 2 step process:

  • Step1: Familiarizing the elements to be automated.
  • Step2: Designing task using the familiarized elements.

Step1: Familiarizing the elements to be automated
Jiffy Familiarization application is a desktop client that enables users to familiarize the UI objects of an application. Once familiarized, the UI objects are saved in repository and can then be used in task design steps. As part of familiarization, Jiffy captures required information about the UI object and allows user to modify the properties. Object familiarization is a one time activity. Saving these objects to server allows the users to use for respective automation scenarios. These familiarized controls are saved in Jiffy under Repository > UI controls.

Below video demonstrates the process of familiarization for SAP application.

Step2: Designing task using the familiarized elements
The controls have already been familiarized using JiffyUILearn application and using these controls we design the task. Below video demonstrates designing of SAP task.

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