reference tasks

Task 1 : Read CSV from Email attachment and Process

Task ID           TK 000008

Release           //ReferenceTasks/Generic Tasks

Task Title           Read CSV from Email attachment and Process


This task demonstrates the feature of downloading the email attachment into the file server. JiffyRPA reads the data from the downloaded csv file through the CSV node. The data from the attachment is then passed into the web application to execute the steps defined within the web node.

CSV attachment from the email:



Schema of the CSV file being downloaded from the email must be added into the repository.


referenceTasks-Read CSV from Email attachment and Process The task consists of three nodes: Email browser, CSV Data and WEB UI node.

1. Email browser

Properties Window Value
1. Download Attachment On
Search Query Window Value
1. Search for the email that has the subject Search Criteria : In this case, it is ‘CSV_iterate’

2. CSV Data:

Properties Window Value
1. Read CSV From Jiffy File
2. CSV Value from the drop down matching the schema of CSV data downloaded from the email browser node.

In this case, it is ‘Booking_Test’

3. Web UI:

Properties Window Value
1. Web App Configuration Configuration, mentioning the website being automated and the bot on which it is being executed
Edit UI Window Value
UI Actions Set of UI actions to be automated in the web UI


CSV Data Read CSV from Email attachment and Process-Mapping-BrowserAndCsv

Web UI

Read CSV from Email attachment and Process-WebUIMapping

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