The example taken is for creating a presentation to plot the number of branches and the related sales amount against each. X axis will have the branches and the Y axis will have the Sum of Sales amounts for each of the branches
Lets start creating this presentation Click on the ‘+’ icon in the folder you wish to create a presentation in
Select the option Presentation
Next Click the ‘+’ icon in the screen
Next click the type of presentation you wish to create We will start with selecting a ‘Vertical Bar’
Next start selecting the Datasheet by clicking the ‘+’ icon on the left corner
You will be prompted with the list of datasheets that are available in the folder
Click on the Datasheet you wish to select to start plotting the fields – in this example we will take the “AllTrips” Datasheet
You will be presented with the fields of the selected datasheet
Start plotting the x-series and y-series for the presentation
Select Branch column for the x-axis and SalesAmount for the y-axis
Notice that the y axis automatically changes to Sum(SalesAmount), however you are free to modify that function and change it by clicking on the function option right next to the y series selection
You can select from the existing functions or choose to write your own expression also
You can also click on Datasheet Header List to have an easy selection of fields for your dashboard
Now your graph is ready with Branch on the X axis and Sum of Sales Amount on the Y axis
Save your presentation
Click on the Save icon on the right to save your presentation by giving a valid Title