Docube provides few proprietary Machine Learning (ML) algorithms which are ready to use without any coding.
Click on the + icon at the top right
Select Spark
Select Create Model
Enter Title , Description. Select the Spark Cluster from the dropdown. Select Main Class ( propreitary ML algorithm) from the dropdown.
On the Aruguments tab, Click on the select datasheet icon and select the Training Data
Once Training Data is selected , all the columns in this datasheet will be populated as the Features. Delete the columns which you think aren’t relevant. Edit the feature Datasheet if required. Select the Target Column ( Column you are trying to predict) from the drop down. Enter the model name in Output model
In the Memory tab, default values are assigned to all the memory parameters and same can be edited based on the requirement.
In the Model Arguments tab, enter all the parameters
Save the configuration by clicking the SAVE button