There are 2 types of variables available in JiffyRPA – Input and Output, Both these can be defined based on the requirements of the process using the 'Set Variable' command , which can then be assigned to any step in the process. The value to be set can either be a constant or another variable. If this variable is set as an output variable in the properties tab, it can be made available and hence mapped to other nodes as well.
The validator node can be used to implement all kind of validations required as part of task execution, to confirm if a step has happened or not, to do an action performed on that or to check if the execution is progressing as planned.
Multiple levels of complex validations rules can be added using constant values/Variables/expressions using different operators like =,!=,<,>,<=,>=,like, AND,OR etc.
By setting the toggle button - ‘Stop on validation error’ to ON in properties, the further execution of the task can be controlled.
Here are the steps :
• In the JiffyUI Learn app - Familiarise one of the button controls in the table
• In the JiffyRPA browser, Navigate to Repository > UI Controls: and select the UI control that you familiarised.
• Click on the Edit button
• Click on 'Make Dynamic'
• In the 'Make Dynamic' window
o For Target Text Input control: Type in the exact text of the control to be automated
o For Variable Name Input control: Type in any relevant variable name.
This Variable name will be displayed in the 'Edit UI' screen within the UI control
There is no automatic update that will happen, we will need to refamiliarize
Once can use pre-defined UI Events like:
1. 'Select' - If the exact match of the value is text entered in the script
2. 'Select Containing' - If the text within the dropdown contains text entered in the script
3. 'Select Starting With' - If the text within the dropdown starts with text entered in the script
4. 'Select Ending With' - If the text within the dropdown ends with the text entered in the script