In the following section, we will understand how to login to JAM and configure a machine :
Step 1. From a browser, log in to the JAM module using the port 9002, - http:/ Provide the required user credentials
Step 2. Once you log in successfully, you will see the JAM Dashboard which will provide:
a. Jiffy information – The status and version of Jiffy installed along with the other dependent components of Jiffy (RabbitMQ, Crontab, Nginx)
b. Server information – Displays information of the Jiffy Server with the system uptime, the load on the server along with the RAM details
c. Disk usage – Disk usage across different users or environment
Step 3. Next we need to configure the client machine service. To configure this, click on Settings - Configurations tab.
Once here, in the Windows Client Configurations section, click on “+Add”, which opens up a new window as shown below. Here you will have to provide a name for this setup along with the Host name, the IP, Port number with description. Click on the “Save” button to create your configuration.
Step 4. Post configuration of this machine, the newly added machine is shown as below.
Step 5. To start the service of the above configured machine, click on JiffyAdmin - Jiffy Service Admin, which opens the below page. Here you can see the status of the machine along with the Jiffy service status. As can be seen below, one of the machine is currently stopped and available for use. To activate the Jiffy Service of this machine, click on the play button in the Action column of Jiffy Service Status section.
To add any new machine, click on the “+Add” icon in the “Jiffy Service Status” section, which will open a new window as displayed below. We need to provide an alias name of the new machine along with its IP configuration and the port details. The user name has to be the same one as mentioned in Step #3. The other configurations need to be appropriately filled in. Click on Save button. This will thus create a new alias/machine which can be used by the Bot Engineers to start working with.