1. Overview

A Configuration in Jiffy refers to the environment related details that are required to execute the task or to Connect to the specific application. This includes the connection details of all the applications which will be used during task execution. For instance:

  • Database Configuration
  • Desktop Application Configuration
  • DOCUBE Configuration
  • Document Configuration
  • Email Configuration
  • Excel Applicaton Configuration
  • File Transfer Configuration
  • Java Application Configuration
  • JMS Queue Configuration
  • Mainframe Application Configuration
  • Mobile Application Execution Configuration
  • PUTTY Application Configuration
  • REST API Configuration
  • SAP Execution Configuration
  • SOAP Configuration
  • Sterling Configuration
  • Unit Testing Configuration
  • Web Application Configuration

Few configuration parameters are explained below:

Field Description
Configuration Name Name to be provided for the configuration. This should be used in the property section of the node.
Jiffy Service Host IP Address of the system where jiffy service is hosted
Jiffy Service Port Port No. where Jiffy service is hosted
App Select the application from drop down
Application Path Application path
IP-Automator Path Automator Path. Use - “C:\Program Files (x86)\IronPython 2.7\ipy.exe”
Base URL Applicable for Web Application configuration. URL of the web application to be automated
Browser Chrome, IE, Firefox. Browser to be used for launching the website

Process, Function and User Level Configurations

Jiffy provides a feature that allows the same tasks to be executed across multiple environments. Users can create multiple environments under a release. For executing the task under Task Execution, the task need to be assigned to an environment.

Jiffy allows users to define configurations at three levels:

  1. Release Level:
    Configurations can be updated in Release level at Task Design -> Configurations. Select the Release name and select ALL under Environment name column as given below.
  2. Environment Level:
    Configurations can be updated in Environment level at Task Design -> Configurations. Select the Release name and Environment name and update configurations.
  3. User Level: Some of the Jiffy nodes (not all) has this additional feature in properties tab where user can select the option to do execution using user level configuration. For Example, DB node has this feature.
    If this is turned ON, during execution Jiffy use the user level configuration to execute  the DB node.
    User level configurations are available in Settings -> User -> User Configuration. For each user, configurations are defined again at Release level. So when a task is being executed, if User level config is turned ON, Jiffy will pick the configurations from the corresponding release under user level.

Configuration Priorities

Configuration Priority when execution triggered from Task Design window

When a task is executed from Task Design window, only User level configurations and Release level configurations will be used. During execution, the priority would be as below:

Note: In case the user configuration is turned ON but the configuration is not present in user level, Jiffy automatically picks the configuration entries defined by the same name from Release level.

Configuration Priority when Execution triggered from Task Execution window

When a task is executed from Task Execution window, the priority would be as below:


If the configurations are not present at user level, Jiffy will look for configurations with same name at Environment level. If configurations at Environment level are also not present, it will look for configurations with same name at Release level.

Users can add multiple configurations of same type at each of these levels. For example, multiple configurations for DB connections can be added by giving unique names at User/Environment/Release level.

The configurations can be deleted by using the delete button available at the right side of the screen.

Excel Configuration

Document Configuration

Document configuration is used to add the PDF and Doc configurations.

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