1. Add Task

How to Create a Basic Task:

The following are the basic steps to be followed to create a Task in Jiffy.

Note: The following task is created as an example using a CSV Node to explain the steps to create a task. Similar steps can be followed to create a task using any other node.

  1. Navigate to the Task Design section on the left-hand side.
  2. Select the Tasks field.

  3. Select the required Project and Release.

  4. Click on the +Add Task button to create a new task.

  5. Type the name of the task in the Task Title text box and click on the Save button to save the task.

  6. Click on the Steps tab to display the Task Design window.

  7. Drag and drop the required node icon from their respective sections from the right-side of the screen in the Objects tab.

    For Ex: To use CSV node, drag and drop the CSV node icon from the Data Sources section on the right-side of the screen in the Objects tab.

  8. Connect the nodes by clicking on the Start point of the Start Node to In point of the CSV Data node and then from the Out point of the CSV Node to the End point of the End Node.

  9. Click on the Align Nodes icon on the right corner of the design canvas to align the nodes.

  10. Click on the CSV Data node and specify the properties of the node according to the task.
    Note: The properties related information of each node is explained in Nodes section.

  11. Click on the Trial Run icon to run the task.

  12. Click on the CSV Data node and then on the Book icon to view the Input, Output and Run info in the Result of execution dialog box.

Opening an existing task:

Do the following to open an existing task:

  1. Login to Jiffy.
  2. Navigate to Task Design -> Tasks.

  3. Provide the details of the required task in the highlighted fields and then click on the respective task to open the task in the Task Design screen.

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