All the tasks which are executed from Task Execution will have summary and history captured in Task Execution > Execution Summary and Task Execution > Execution history.
Execution Summary: Summary will have details like Run Id, Execution Start Time, Total Execution Time, Total number of test cases (in case of bulk execution), Result of Execution (Passed/Failed/Invalidated). In case of bulk execution, it will provide how many tasks are passed, how many are failed and how many are invalidated.
Execution History: History can be accessed directly from Task Execution > Execution history. It will have the below execution details for each of the node for all the previous runs of the selected task:
Note : All the above details are available by selecting a Run ID from execution summary as well.
Navigate to Task Execution > Execution Summary screen.
Select the required task to be executed to display the Execution
Details screen.
Click on the Run ID to display the Run Details screen.
Click on the Task ID link in the Execution Details screen to
navigate to the respective task in Task Design screen.
The user can now modify the task in the task design screen.
The user can only view the properties of the task in the Execution
Copy screen.