reference tasks

Task 1 : Read all files from folder and process through PDF Reader

Task ID           TK 000229

Release           //ReferenceTasks/Generic Tasks

Task Title           Read all files from folder and process


This task demonstrates the feature of reading all the files from windows file explorer and process only .pdf files within the folder.


*Default Table Def - ‘FileExplorer’ must be defined


referenceTasks-Read all files from folder and process The task consists of: Expression, DataTable, If-End If, and a PDFReader nodes in it.

1. Read files from folder(Expression Node)

Properties Window Value
1. Clusters It is a machine /group of machine details that has the folder with the files to be read.
2. Variables > Output Variables FileDetails.

2. Data Table:

Properties Window Value
1. Variables FileExplorer.

3. If:

Edit Conditions Value
Rule 111: FileExtension must be equal to (==) .pdf

4. PDFReader:

Properties Value
PDF Configuration ‘PDF Config’ - Configurations specifying the Bot that the files to be read
Template Type No Template

Mappings between:

Read files from folder(Expression Node) and DataTable

referenceTasks-Read all files from folder and process-Mapping-ExpressionNode

Data Table and If Node

referenceTasks-Read all files from folder and process-Mapping-DataTable

If and PDFReader

referenceTasks-Read all files from folder and process-Mapping-PDFReader

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