reference tasks

Task 2 : How to make UI Controls Dynamic

Task ID           TK 000011

Release           //ReferenceTasks/Generic Tasks

Task Title           How to make UI Controls Dynamic


This task demonstrates the feature of making UI controls dynamic. This would mean that you can control the behaviour of the control at the time of execution dynamically depending on the value passed into it.


For this example, 1. A Web App “Clear_trip” for the site has been created in UI learn. 2. A Module - ‘New Module’ has been created under this app 3. The radio button for trip type (which could have any of the following values - One way / Multi-city / Round Trip ) has been familiarised in the name ‘Trip_type’ 4. In Jiffy design, the UI control ‘Trip_type’ found under Repository – UI controls has been edited to make the following changes: a. Select ‘Type’ and change to DYNAMIC from STATIC b. Create a variable ‘TripType’ as STRING c. SAVE the UI control with these changes


referenceTasks-How to make UI Controls Dynamic-design

The task consists of: WebUI node in it.

1. Web Node - ClearTrip

Properties Window Value
1. Web App Configuration ClearTrip_web
Edit UI Controls / Expression Input Varaibles UI Actions Output Variables
2. UIEVENT Trip_type Round trip/One way/Multi-city Click -
3. Default Expression DELAY In Seconds (Number in Seconds) - -
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