Error: Address AccessDenied.
Reason: This issue occurs when the Batch scripts are not run after the Jiffy installation is completed.
Solution: After the Jiffy installation is complete, run all the batch scripts in the "C:\jiffyservice\CommonFiles\BatchScripts" path in admin mode. Then restart Jiffy.
Error: IllegalArgumentException: Attempted to send a message when connection is no longer valid. Query submission to Drill.
Reason: This issue occurs when the Drill and Karaf are not running in the server.
Solution: Restart Drill and Karaf.
When the user starts an additional bot that exceeds the current Bot
limit as per the licence issued.
A previously running bot was not stopped properly and so it could not
unregister itself from the server side (JSM)
Scenario 1:
Check the Bot limit in the licence page.
Go to Settings \> License.
Here, the user has a Bot limit of 5, which means 5 Bots can run at a
time. If the user starts a 6^th^ bot, then this error is valid
"Maximum bot count reached".
In this scenario, stop the unused bots and start the required bots.
Scenario 2:
In this case, the Bot will unregister automatically after 15 min.
So, wait for 15 mins and restart the Bot again.
To avoid this error, use '*CTRL+C*' command to stop the bot
properly. This will unregister the Bot immediately from server.
This is a Window error appears when there is an attempt to start the Jpopeye instance while there is already a Jpopeye process or the invoked sub processes is running at the same time.
Jpopeye is a user level process which invokes while user login to the windows BOT machine. This process starts three other sub processes as below.
Chrome Selenium driver
IE Selenium driver
Above processes can be found in Task manager as below.
These processes should get killed automatically while Jpopeye process stopped in an efficient way as below.
Check If Jpopeye process is already running in the window machine.
Check If Jpopeye process is already running in the window machine.
Chrome Selenium driver
IE Selenium driver
One instance of each process should run in task manager. If all processes are running properly then there is no issue with Jpopeye currently. Continue with the Web automation.
If any of the processes not running, then Stop the Jpopeye properly if it is running as below.
If still the other processes are running, then Kill the respective processes from task manager.
Start Jpopeye by double clicking the icon again from the Windows START Menu.
Confirm all sub processes started by checking the Task manager.
Note: Jpopeye Log file - C:\Users\manoj.ks\AppData\Local\JPopey\logs – debug.log
This Error message seen with Web UI automation node while execution.
This happens when there a problem with handshake between the below components.
One of the Jiffy core process (JSM >> Jiffy Service Manager) and Jiffy Service.
Jiffy BOT service and Window Service.
In both the scenarios, a token authentication happens the first time there is a communication between:
JSM and Jiffy
Jiffy service and Jiffy windows to get the Chrome driver or IE driver for the execution during a Web automation and Winapp driver for desktop automation
If either of these fails then the error “Exception while getting the token” will get triggered.
Windows side
Check Jiffy windows service status in Windows services as below in BOT machine.
If “JiffyWindowsservice” is not running, then the handshake fails between Jiffy BOT service and Jiffy windows service.
Start the process and rerun the execution.
Server side
Check if Jiffy Service Port (Default- 8179) can telnet from server as below.
Confirm that the Jiffy service port from the BOT installer file in C:\jiffyservice.
Check the “-Dserver.port” parameter.
If it is not connecting, then the incoming connection to the BOT machine through the jiffy service port is blocked.
Check the windows firewall settings and allow the port by adding it in inbound rule.
Switch off the defender firewall also may help to connect from server. Get the help of the IT team to fix it.
Once the port is successfully connected from Jiffy server, Issue will be fixed.
This error occurs during Web UI automation node execution when Jpopeye service in Jiffy BOT machine is down or not running.
Start the “Jpopeye” service from windows menu in BOT machine.
Check the Jpopeye debug log file under “C:\Users\\AppData\Local\JPopey\logs” to make sure the process started without any issues. In a proper start, user will find the below log entries.
If any issues, follow the steps here for "Port not found".
In a successful process start, this issue will be fixed.
Note: Jpopeye process automatically starts while user login /signin to the Bot machine.
This error occurs if the email configuration is not updated in the jiffy
server setting page.
Login to the Jiffy web page as an admin user.
Go to Settings \> Sever Settings.
Scroll down in Sever Settings page to get these fields:
Type the following details:
Set the value of the Enable email field to True.
Email Host: provide the Email server Host details it may be SMTP or Exchange server details.
Email host user: User mail ID for sending Emails.
Email port: port of Email server host.
Email password: Password of the mail id mentioned in Email hot
Email use tls: Select the Yes option or the No option
according to the Email server settings.
Send email on execution: If the user wants an email notification
for each execution in jiffy, the select the Yes option otherwise
select the No option.
Click on the Save button.
Restart the jiffy application.
Log in to the application server as a jiffyapp-usr (application user).
Run the following commands:
Stop the application:
application stop all
Start the application:
application start all
Check status of jiffy process:
supervisorctl status
Once jiffy application started successfully user can see all jiffy
component running status as seen in the above screenshot.
The mentioned steps will resolve the issue, now the user can try to
reset the password. The password reset link will come to user
mailbox, if the given mail id is registered in the jiffy user info.