If the user could not view the Chrome/Internet Explorer browser during Web App familiarization, edit the location of the “chrome.exe” file / “iexplore.exe” file from the default location to the correct file location (the path in which the file is present) by following the below procedure.
- Open the UI Learn application.
- Right-click on the toolbar as per the below screenshot.
- Click on the Customize option to display the Customize dialog box.
- Click on the Keyboard button to display the Options dialog box.
- Click on the UI Familiarization option from the left-hand side section of the Options dialog box.
- Edit the Chrome Browser full path and Internet Explorer full path fields to the correct location in which the file is present.
- Select the True option from the Use IE Plugin drop-down list box.
- Click on the OK button.
Result: The UI Learn application can now open the browser for the Web App familiarization.
Do the below procedure if the following error message is displayed:
Configuring UI Learn:
- Goto C:\Program Files (x86)\O3\JiffyUILearn\JiffyUI Familiarisation.exe.config and open the file in Notepad as an administrator.
- Locate this tag: add key=""HostURL"" value=""<server url>""
- Give Jiffyserver URL in the value field and save it.