3. UI Components

UI component is a set of UI events in an application, which can be reused across the release and projects.
For example, in a web page, if the LOGIN action takes 3 steps and POST action takes 4 steps, then create two UI components ‘Login’ and ‘Post’ with relevant steps and reuse these two components instead of writing 7 steps in each task.

Note:This will help the users to edit only one place if there are any changes in the application. For example, Xpath of the “Username” field in a web application got changed after upgrade.


UI components are used to save a set of UI steps to perform a particular UI action separately in the repository. These saved components can be reused in UI node scripting across tasks.
The saved UI components are available in the Edit UI dialog of the UI nodes. Select the UI component option from the list box in the Edit UI dialog and then select the respective UI component that is added in the UI Components screen.

Creating a UI Component:

  1. Click on the Component drop-down.
  2. Select the UI option.

  3. Select the Add UI Component button.
  4. Specify the following details:

    • Name: Any appropriate name for further reference.
    • App: Select the required application from the drop-down. It contains all applications that are created for UI automation (Web, SAP etc).
    • Function Type: Select the Component option. The other two options (All, Exception) are deprecated.
    • Description: Give a brief description of the UI events. For example, Login step for SAP.
  5. Click on the Save button to save the changes. The UI Component Data screen is displayed.
  6. Click on the Edit button to add the required details.
  7. Specify the following details:

    • Click on the + icon.

    • Specify the Variable Name (only alphanumeric keys are allowed).

    • Variable Type can be Input or Output.
      • a. The input variable will be the Input data getting from the UI nodes, it can be secure, constant or other variables.
      • b. The output variable will be the output returning from the UI event after the execution of the UI event.

    • Select the Set Screen option.

    • Select the appropriate module which contains the required UI events.

      Note: The dropdown contains all the UI events created within that application.
    • The user can either paste from any copied steps from the Edit UI dialog or add steps using the + button.
      • To copy the steps from the Edit UI dialog, select the highlighted check box in the desired step.

      • To paste the steps, click on the arrow mark and then select Paste Below option.

        Note:The user is not allowed to copy steps from UI events.
    • Click on the Save button to save the changes.
    • Click on the Connected Data tab to view the information about the connected tasks and components. Before archiving or editing, the user can confirm the impacted tasks and components from the below screen.

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