3. Roles & Permissions Matrix

Roles List

The following is the list of Roles available to assign at the 3 levels - Project, Release and Repository

Entity Allowed Function Description
Project Create_release Access to create Release in Task Plan
Edit_release Access to edit
Archive Release Access to archive the Release in Task plan
Release raise_defect Access to raise the defects directly into the integrated defect management tool in case of JIFFYTEST
assign_requirement_to_release Access to assign the requirements to release from the integrated requirement management tool in case of JIFFYTEST
create_edit_task_environment Access to add or edit the environment of a release. Also provides access to add and edit configurations in configuration page.
delete_task_environment Access to delete the environment of a release
create_edit_task Access to create and edit the task in Task Design
archive_task Access to archive the task in Task design
add_task_to_environment Access to tag the task to an environment
update_task_to_latask Access to change the design of the task and update it(Save)
assign_task_for_execution Access to assign the tasks to other user for execution
execute_task Access to execute the tasks from design canvas
schedule_task Access to schedule the task for execution fro Task Execution screen
can_check_in Access to check in the tasks to a Task suite to task repository
can_check_out Access to check out the tasks to a Task suite to task repository
can_delete_run Access to delete the execution results from execution history
user_configuration Access to add configurations in User configurations page
export_tasks Access to export the tasks from one jiffy instance to other
Repository add_edit_global_configs Access to add global configurations to use configurations across Projects and Releases
delete_global_configs Access to delete global configurations
approve_repository_update Access to approve or Reject the task checkin request in actionables
add_edit_delete_task_suite Access to add/Edit/Delete task suites in task repository
add_xml_template Access to add XML template in template repository
edit_xml_template_metadata Access to edit XML template in template repository
archive_xml_template Access to archive XML template in template repository
add_edit_delete_requirement_folder Access to add/Edit/Delete Requirement folder in Requirements
add_webservice Access to add webservice in Repository
edit_webservice Access to edit webservice in repository
archive_webservice Access to archive webservice in repository
run_webservice Access to run the webservice in repository
add_csv_data Access to add CSV in template repository
edit_csv_data Access to edit CSV in template repository
archive_csv_data Access to archive CSV in template repository
Add_cluster Access to add cluster in Clusters
edit_cluster Access to edit cluster in clusters
delete_cluster Access to delete cluster in Clusters
add_machine Access to add Machine details in Machine
edit_machine Access to edit Machine details in Machine
delete_machine Access to delete Machine details in Machine
add_securedata Access to add sensitive data to secure vault
edit_securedata Access to edit sensitive data stored in secure vault to add new data
add_component Access to add component under components section
edit_component Access to edit component under components section
archive_component Access to archive component under components section
add_xml_data Access to add XML data in template repository
edit_xml_metadata Access to edit XML data in template repository
archive_xml_data Access to archive XML data in template repository
add_label Access to add label under labels section in repository
edit_label Access to edit label under labels section in repository
archive_label Access to archive label under labels section
add_json_template Access to add Json template in template repository
edit_json_template Access to edit Json template in template repository
archive_json_template Access to archive_Json template in template repository
add_json_data Access to add Json data in template repository
edit_json_metadata Access to edit Json data in template repository
archive_json_data Access to archive_Json data in template repository
add_expression Access to add expression under custom expressions section in repository
archive_expression Access to archive expression under custom expressions section in repository
edit_expression Access to edit expression under custom expressions section in repository
add_excel_macro Access to add Excel macro in repository
edit_excel_macro Access to edit Excel macro in repository
archive_excel_macro Access to archive Excel macro in repository
add_uicomponent Access to add uicomponent under uicomponents section in Components
edit_uicomponent Access to edit uicomponent under uicomponents section in components
archive_uicomponent Access to archive uicomponent under uicomponents section in components
add_document_template Access to add Document template under document templates section in repository
edit_document_template_metadata Access to edit Document_Template under document template in repository
Add_uicontrols Access to add UI Controls present in UI controls section in repository
Edit_uicontrols Access to edit UI Controls present in UI controls section in repository
Delete_uicontrols Access to delete UI Controls present in UI controls section in repository
Add Secure data Access to add secure data in Secure data section
Edit Secure data Access to edit secure data in Secure data section, Allows to edit the secure data with Global and User access scope
Add Cyberark settings Access to add cyberark settings from application Page
Edit Cyberark settings Access to edit cyberark settings from application Page
Delete Cyberark settings Access to delete cyberark settings from application Page
View server settings Allows to access Server settings Page
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