Jiffy users can be created and managed at Setting -> Users. Following are the functionalities allowed here:
Users with admin level access only can create new users. The following details needs to be provided to create a user.
Field | Description |
Username | User ID |
Password | Password |
First name | First name |
Last name | Last name |
Timezone | User timezone. This is important as all the time information across different modules in Jiffy will be displayed based on the timezone set here for the logged in user. |
Bugtracker user id | It is the User Id of the JIRA or QC project. This is applicable only when Jira and QC are integrated. This will be the user id used to register new Jira tickets in Jira or QC. |
Super User Access | Defines whether the new user has super user access or not. |
Admin Access | Defines whether the new user has admin access or not. Admin has all the permissions by default. There is no need to add roles to a user with Admin access. |
Active | Defines whether the id is active/inactive. |
Select the user name and click on De-Activate button at the top. Users with admin level access only can deactivate another user.
Assign Roles to User
Edit User details : A user with admin level access can edit user details from the first tab Overview
User Configurations : All user specific configurations can be viewed/edited in third tab User Configurations