LDAP Settings
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an internet protocol that is used to access information from directories.
The username and password are saved in the LDAP server and then it is integrated to Jiffy to verify whether the user is available in the LDAP server before logging in.
Only one entry of LDAP settings is allowed.
Below fields are available in the Add/Edit LDAP Setting screen in Jiffy.
Do the following to access the Add/Edit LDAP Setting screen:
- Log in to Jiffy.
- Click on the Settings drop-down on the left-hand side section.
- Click on the Applications option to display the Settings: Applications screen.
- Use the scroll bar to navigate to the LDAP Settings section.
- Click on the Edit button to display the Edit LDAP Setting screen.
- LDAP URL*: Type the specified URL in this text box.
- LDAP Bind Type: The LDAP bind type is CN.
CN is the Canonical name of the user. It is a basic type of authentication.
- Base Dn: A base dn is the point from where a server searches for the users. The LDAP search for the user will be done by the server starting at the base dn (dc=example, dc=com).
- Use Service Account: If the Use Service Account checkbox is selected, then Jiffy looks for the user in the Service Account first and then it validates the user based on the selected bind type. It is a two-level authentication process, if the service account credentials are not correct, then an error message is displayed indicating that the username does not exist.
- User Name: Type the service account user name. This field is used only when the User Service Account is selected.
- Password: Type the service account password. This field is used only when the User Service Account checkbox is selected.
Note: The password can be made secure by clicking on the lock icon next to the Password field.