8. Audit Logs

Click on the Audit logs link on the left-hand side menu to display the Audit Logs screen.

Note: Only Admin and the user who is provided with access to view_audit_logs can view the Audit Logs screen.

The following actions can be tracked and displayed in the Audit Logs screen:

  • Configurations: Create, update, delete

  • UI and Bundle components: Create and update

  • Jiffy user: login and log off time, create and update the fields in the Users screen. For more details on the fields present in the Users screen, click here

  • Secure vault: Create/update the key, usage of the key in any node execution

  • Templates: CSV data, XML data, JSON data and Document templates, XML templates, JSON templates

  • Server settings: Update

  • Jiffy User: Login, Logout, user updates, assign, edit, and remove user roles, when any user access the Audit Logs screen.

  • UI and Bundle components: Create and update

  • ReleaseTestCase table

  • While editing the following user details/permissions, the specific action is logged and displayed in the Audit Logs screen.

    • Providing/revoking of Superuser access, Provisioning access, and Admin access.

    • Change of other parameters like the Email address, first name, last name, etc.,

For example, Audit Log messages for Superuser access:

  • Superuser access provided

  • Superuser access revoked

A common log message will be displayed as follows when other parameters like Email address and first name are edited:

  • Jiffy user updated
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