Configuration Priority when execution triggered from Task Design window
When a task is executed from Task Design window, only User level configurations and Release level configurations will be used. During execution, the priority would be as below:
In case, the user configuration is turned ON and the configuration is not present in user level, Jiffy automatically picks the configuration entries defined by the same name from Release level.
Configuration Priority when Execution triggered from Task Execution window
When a task is executed from Task Execution window, the priority would be as below:
If the configurations are not present at user level, Jiffy will look for configurations with same name at Environment level. If configurations at Environment level are also not present, it will look for configurations with same name at Release level.
Users can add multiple configurations of same type at each of these levels. For example, multiple configurations for DB connections can be added by giving unique names at User/Environment/Release level.
The configurations can be deleted by using the delete button available at the right side of the screen.