Once a Release is created, environments can be added. Environment is the system/environment where the tasks needs to be executed. Jiffy provides the following functionalities for manage Environments.
From Jiffy main screen, navigate to Task Design -> Task Plan. Select a Release under a Project and click on Add Environment button at the top.
Deletion of Environment is allowed only if there are no tasks assigned to the selected environment. From Jiffy main screen, navigate to Task Design -> Task Plan. Select the Environment to be deleted, and click on Delete Environment button at the top.
The environment Name and description can be edited from Task Plan for an existing environment. From Jiffy main screen, navigate to Task Design -> Task Plan. Select an environment and click on Edit environment button at the top.
User is allowed to take a copy of an existing environment using Duplicate Environment button and the new environment will be created under the same release. Once duplicated, the new environment will have all the tasks assigned to the previous environment.
Select an Environment and click on Assign Tasks button. This will open a window with all the tasks created under the selected Release, User can select the tasks to be assigned to the selected environment and click on Assign to Environment button.
Select an Environment and select the task to be un-assigned from the environment and click on Unassign Tasks button.
This helps to assign a set of tasks to a user so that user will get the notification to execute all those tasks on next login. Navigate to the Function -> Release -> Environment that has the tasks to be assigned for execution, select the tasks and click on Assign for Execution at the top.