3. Jiffy UI Learn Application
Jiffy UI Learn Application can be installed in a windows machine. Shortcut will be created on the desktop.
Steps to be followed to familiarize an application:
- Enter Username and Password. Credentials are same as Jiffy Credentials. Use the user ID for which UI Learn configuration have been added (Refer: UI Tasks -> Configurations). Click the Log In button.
- Select the process name from the process drop down and select Web/Windows from the mode drop down.
- Click on Proceed. The Jiffy UI Learn application window will be opened
To start with the familiarization, follow the below steps:
Jiffy UI Learn Application screen comprises of 3 windows:
- App(s) under Test Tree Tool window :This is a tree structure and comprises of all the app(s) arranged in alphabetical order. App(s)comprises of Modules, Modules contains familiarized elements
- Jiffy Familiarization Web Browser window: It is used in Web Familiarization only. This window comprises of the Web browser during the familiarization process
- Property Details Tool window
- Once the elements are familiarized, this window will display all the properties captured by Jiffy for each element
- Name and description of the elements can be edited
- Screen shots of the elements are also available
Familiarization of SAP Application using Hit switch - During SAP familiarization, user gets a option called Hit Switch at the bottom right corner, which need to be selected before starting with familiarization. Once the familiarization is completed, the same can be stopped.
+ Familiarization with Hit Switch: