Google Sheets

Google Sheets is a spreadsheet program included as part of a free, web-based software office suite offered by Google within its Google Drive service.

  1. List of Pre-defined Google Sheets Functions:

  2. Using the Google Sheets node, the user can automate the following functions.
    1. Create Worksheet: Use this expression to create a Google sheet by sheet id or sheet name.
      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      URL URL of the spreadsheet
      Sheet_name Name of the worksheet to be created
      Row_count Number of rows to be created
      Col_count Number of columns to be created
      Creds_path File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite.

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      Message Returns the message (“Sheet is created successfully”)

    2. Delete worksheet: Use this expression to delete the worksheet in Google Sheets.
      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      URL URL of the spreadsheet
      Sheet_name_or_index Sheet name or index of the worksheet
      Creds_path File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite.

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      Message Returns the message (“Sheet is deleted successfully”)

    3. Get all values: Use this expression to get all the values in Google sheet.
      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      URL URL of the spreadsheet
      Sheet_name_or_index Sheet name or index of the worksheet
      Creds_path File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite.

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      Cell values Returns a list all values in the sheet

    4. Get row values: Use this expression to get the values of a specified row in Google sheet.
      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      URL URL of the spreadsheet
      Sheet_name_or_index Sheet name or index of the worksheet
      Row_index Row number from which values to be retrieved
      Creds_path File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite.

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      Row values Returns a list of all values in the row index specified.

    5. Get row count: Use this expression to get the count of the row in Google sheet.
      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      URL URL of the spreadsheet
      Sheet_name_or_index Sheet name or index of the worksheet
      Creds_path File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite.

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      Row count Returns the count of the rows which has data.

    6. Get Cell Value: Use this expression to get the cell value in the Google sheet.
      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      URL URL of the spreadsheet
      Sheet_name_or_index Sheet name or index of the worksheet
      Row_index Row number from which values to be retrieved
      Col_index Column index of the cell
      Creds_path File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite.

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      Cell value Returns the cell value.

    7. Update cell: Use this expression to update the cell in Google sheet.
      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      URL URL of the spreadsheet
      Sheet_name_or_index Sheet name or index of the worksheet
      Row_index Row number from which values to be retrieved
      Col_index Column index of the cell
      Value Pass the value to be inserted
      Creds_path File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite.

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      Message Returns the message (“cell value is updated”)

    8. Find all cells: Use this expression to find the total number of cells in a Google sheet.
      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      URL URL of the spreadsheet
      Sheet_name_or_index Sheet name or index of the worksheet
      Value_to_be_searched Pass the value to be searched
      Creds_path File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite.

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      Output Returns the count of number of cells.

    9. Find cell: Use this expression to find the cell in Google sheet.
      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      URL URL of the spreadsheet
      Sheet_name_or_index Sheet name or index of the worksheet
      Value_to_be_searched Pass the value to be searched
      Creds_path File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite.

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      Output Returns the row and column index of the cell.

    10. Get column values: Use this expression to get the column values in a Google sheet.
      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      URL URL of the spreadsheet
      Sheet_name_or_index Sheet name or index of the worksheet
      Col_index Column number from which values to be retrieved
      Creds_path File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite.

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      Column values Returns a list of all values in the column index specified.

    11. Delete row by index: Use this expression to delete a row in the Google sheet.
      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      URL URL of the spreadsheet
      Sheet_name_or_index Sheet name or index of the worksheet
      Row_index Pass the row to be deleted
      Creds_path File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite.

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      Message Returns the message (“row is deleted successfully”).

    12. Delete row by index: Use this expression to delete a row in the Google sheet.
      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      URL URL of the spreadsheet
      Sheet_name_or_index Sheet name or index of the worksheet
      New_sheetname New sheet name
      Creds_path File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite.

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      Message Returns the message (“Sheet has been renamed successfully”).

    13. Import csv data: Use this expression to import csv file in Google sheet.
      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      URL URL of the spreadsheet
      Creds_path File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite.
      Csv_path Csv File path

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      Message Returns the message (“csv data imported to the first sheet”).

    14. Append column: Use this expression to append column in a Google sheet.
      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      URL URL of the spreadsheet
      Sheet_name_or_index Sheet name or index of the worksheet
      No_of_columns Number of columns to be appended
      Creds_path File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite.

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      Message Returns the message (“column(s) appended successfully”).

    15. Add row: Use this expression to append row in a Google sheet.
      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      URL URL of the spreadsheet
      Sheet_name_or_index Sheet name or index of the worksheet
      No_of_rows Number of rows to be appended
      Creds_path File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite.

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      Message Returns the message (“row(s) appended successfully”).

    16. Copy Range: Use this expression to copy a range of cells in a Google sheet.
      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      URL URL of the spreadsheet
      Sheet_name_or_index Sheet name or index of the worksheet
      Rng Range of cells that must be copied
      Creds_path File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite.

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      Message Returns the message (“cell(s) copied successfully”).

    17. Delete column: Use this expression to delete column in a Google sheet.
      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      URL URL of the spreadsheet
      Sheet_name_or_index Sheet name or index of the worksheet
      Start_index Pass the start index of the column
      End_index Pass the end index of the column
      Creds_path File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite.

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      Message Returns the message (“columns deleted successfully”).

    18. Update cells: Use this expression to update the range of cells in a Google sheet.
      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      URL URL of the spreadsheet
      Sheet_name_or_index Sheet name or index of the worksheet
      Row_index Row index of the cell
      Col_index Column index of the cell
      Value Pass the value to be inserted
      Creds_path File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite.

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      Message Returns the message (“cell value is updated”).

    19. Delete range: Use this expression to delete the range of cells in a Google sheet.
      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      URL URL of the spreadsheet
      Sheet_name_or_index Sheet name or index of the worksheet
      Rng Range of the sheet to be deleted
      ShiftDimension Direction of cell shift
      Value Pass the value to be inserted
      Creds_path File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite.

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      Message Returns the message (“range of values is deleted successfully”).

    20. Get worksheets: Use this expression to get sheets name.
      Input Parameters:

      Input Parameter Name Description
      URL URL of the spreadsheet
      Creds_path File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite.

      Output Parameters:

      Output Parameter Name Description
      Message Returns a list of all the sheet names.

    21. Designing a Task Using a Google Sheets Node:

    22. Do the following to use a Google Sheets node in a task:
      1. Use an existing task or create a new task based on the requirement.
        Note: Refer Create A Task for more details on how to create a task and how to open an existing task.
      2. Drag and drop the Google Sheets node from the Objects -> G-Suite section and connect the nodes.
      3. Click on the Google Sheets node and specify the properties.
      4. Double-click on the Google Sheets node to display the Edit UI dialog.
      5. The following options are available in the Edit UI dialog:
        • Google Sheets: When the user selects the Google Sheets option, pre-defined Google Sheets functions are available in the drop-down following it.
        • Set Variable: The user can set a variable inside the JIRA node. The value to be set can either be a constant or another variable. If this variable is set as an output variable in the Properties tab, it can be made available for other nodes as well.
        • Default Expression: These are Jiffy provided python expressions for the commonly used functions.
          Example: Concat, Capitalize, Add days etc.
        • Custom Expression: Jiffy provides a feature to allow users to create custom Python expressions and use them in the Edit UI dialog. The Custom Expressions need to be uploaded to Jiffy Repository (Repository ->Custom Expressions). Once it is uploaded, it is available in the drop down of Custom Expressions option. For details on how to create custom expressions, click here.
      6. Select the Google Sheets option and then select the required function, for example: Create Sheet.
      7. Click on the highlighted icon and then specify the below details:

        Input Parameters:

        Input Parameter Name Description
        URL URL of the spreadsheet
        Sheet_name Name of the worksheet to be created
        Row_count Number of rows to be created
        Col_count Number of columns to be created
        Creds_path File path where credentials.json file is placed. This file will be downloaded to the client machine during G-suite setup process. For more details, refer Section 2. Setting up G-suite.

      8. Select the output variable that is created while specifying properties.

      9. Similarly, select the required functions in the *Edit UI** dialog and then click on the Save icon.
      10. Click on the Save button in the Task Design screen.
      11. Click on the Trail Run button.

      12. Select the Google Sheets node and click on the book icon to display the Result of execution window.

      13. Based on the provided details, a Google sheet will be created.

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