We can create interactive charts by making them talk to each other by means of creating an interaction group, this means that when we filter one chart to view specific data, we can get the other charts in the same presentation to show data specific to the same filter
To create an Interaction card, lets first a Vertical Bar chart and a Pie Chart and create an interaction group between them
Use the steps for creating a presentation, and create a Vertical Bar chart with Branch on the X axis and Sum(SalesAmount) as the Y - axis
Name the Presentation - “Branch vs Sales Figures”
Now Create another Chart in the same presentation and select Pie Chart and Plot as shown below :
Next click on the 3 dots on the right bottom of any one of the cards and select Interaction Group
Enter a name and click ‘ADD’ to create a new interaction group, click the ‘X’ to close the popup
Next, click the Three Dots in the Vertical Bar Chart and select Interaction Group and then the Group u created above
Now, select any one section of data in one of the charts to see it reflect in the other charts simultaneously
In the example below, on clicking on the section for Branch – NY the corresponding section in the vertical chart in the left is also highlighted
This way you can create interaction groups between multiple charts on your presentation to create a visual filter reflected across all data in your dashboard